Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself…
Welcome to my new online presence.
I’m Aaron Bare, and last year, I got the opportunity to self-publish my first book — Reimagining Innovation; the Future of Exponential Leadership. It was a wild experience that frankly wouldn’t have happened if COVID hadn’t forced me inside to finish it. The book was well received with great feedback.

As I was working on my first book, I outlined a plan to build out something that captures everything I have worked on so hard in my career. I would use my first book to get the attention of a New York Publisher. Then, I would write a second book, Exponential Theory: The Power of Thinking Big and with the momentum of a publishing house behind me, I would launch an online course that directly imparted the theory, practice, and mastery of the material in the book to the reader; the leader of the future.
If you know me at all, you know I’m a deep thinker and over time I have built the confidence to share my unique viewpoint. Now I am living in a live experiment, a self-fulfilling prophecy of thinking big and living exponentially, creating a sustainable equitable future for everyone willing to challenge themselves.
If you don’t know me, you will have the opportunity to get to know me through my social media and hopefully spend some time with me on your journey to “Think Bigger” by reading my book, taking one of my courses, engaging me to work with your company or signing up for my newsletter.
I am working on getting intentional with my message and I have created a collection of social media I hope gets shared for generations to come. I have continued to research, with over a decade and a half of work behind my thesis. As I think ahead, I understand we are all digital footprints to the future that share a story of who we are with every post. I am going to be intentional about who I am now and who I am to generations to come.
I hope to challenge your views on major themes like technology, climate change, and social equity, as well as on more specific matters like the exponential mindset, cancel culture, safe spaces, and censorship as they challenge the moral fabric of a just society. These things now are corrupting the landscape by who controls the narrative.
I will share the balancing act to hack your way to create your own viewpoint based on fact and not just another person sharing others’ opinions. Too often our friends share stories with no merit becoming part of the problem and not part of a solution. I will explore how to use technology, and not let technology use you.
I will take you on a journey of coaching, consulting, and facilitating change around the world so you, in turn, can understand exponential theory, practice the underlying skills, and create mastery in your leadership ability to lead, create, and foster exponential ideas. The course will be facilitated and curated to capture deep knowledge on every subject introduced, so you can go as deep as possible down into any subject, yet learn the interconnectedness of the material at the same time. This master course of all master classes will create a thirst for knowledge that will set you on a path towards success regardless of your destination.
This will help you implement the power of thinking big in your own life. In all areas of your life. I will examine how the brain works, makes decisions, and reacts to situations. I will help identify biases and foster mental models to enhance your thinking in every situation. Then, I will flip a switch in your brain to turn on your connectivity to a future you thought was only a dream. This will take you to a place where you are complete and full of satisfaction from creating your own worldview.
To do so, I want to further introduce you to the Exponential Theory book and online course. The goal is to build a community of exponential thinkers solving the world’s biggest problems. From here, my plan would be to build out a more thorough course based on my career as a facilitator of innovation and leadership. This course is called the XMBA: An Education for the 21st Century Leader (more on that later).
Two years later, and I am on track with the vision I set out to create.
After launching Reimagining Innovation, I pivoted the content and I took a quantum leap forward with my new book Exponential Theory. The book argues that future leaders focused on exponential impact will become more conscious and purpose driven in the process, creating a conscious movement as companies in the future recognize that they need to benefit all their stakeholders as much as their shareholders. This thesis has been proven with a shift to Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) and Impact investing.
In the first book I reference a master plan Elon Musk wrote in 2006 when he was starting Tesla (page 103). In this plan he outlined exactly what he was going to do, and how Tesla was going to monumentally disrupt transportation, and energy, as we know it. From selling an overpriced sports car in the Tesla Roadster to fund the development of an expensive family car, the Model S, and finally to fund the production of mass market Model 3. 15-years later and Musk has built the most valuable automobile company in the world.
To prove that the Exponential Theory works I’m going to do a similar thing. So, while I introduce myself, allow me to outline “the plan”, why it fits into our keys to success outlined in the book, and how you can be a part of it with me.

Welcome to the future
In my life, I’ve built a unique business viewpoint traveling the world to meet some of the most innovative leaders at over 500 companies, in over 90 countries, and all 50 States as an entrepreneurship and innovation facilitator.
I am at a point in my life where I have developed my purpose and will focus everyday on that purpose. After wandering the world, learning as much as possible, and documented spending of over $600,000 on education, experiences, and self-development. I feel that I am on the precipice of figuring out how to make the biggest impact possible for myself, give that same knowledge to others, and create a legacy while doing so.
While I just recently signed a book deal with Morgan James Publishing (which has published 29 New York Times Best Sellers, with offices around the globe). I have been right on track in the much larger process, since before even my first book. Completing Exponential Theory wasn’t just something I did this year, but is rather a culmination of a 15-year long research project learning about companies growth and leadership.
So, I underwent my own personal transformation and suddenly stories that took over fifteen years to capture were flowing like a river onto the pages before me. Through this project, I found both a calling and confidence in making a “Big Impact” on everyone I cross paths with. I have expanded my conversations and immediately find myself being introduced to some of the most powerful and interesting people in the world.
Through my innovation journey to nearly every corner of Earth (over 90 countries), I began to understand the world, reinvent myself, my potential, and expand my own self-limiting box. Through this process, I opened up my possibilities for my future. I started to dismantle the many things that were holding me back and assemble the dream team to create the future seeking my potential. This process was a great reset for me, and I look forward to sharing more with you on how I did that and creating a great reset for you.
What is Exponential Theory
Exponential Theory: The Power of Thinking Big will examine a variety of companies and people that are solving big problems and have become more conscious as a result. These companies have become more focused on people over just profit. In return, these companies have grown beyond comprehension. Similarly, today the companies that laid people off last year during COVID are having a hard time hiring right now and the companies that put people first are starting to see the advantages in this post-pandemic growth.
The leaders of these companies have their eyes on making a big impact and understand the importance of their role in the planet, in assisting in human rights, and in living up to a massive purpose that solves equally big problems. When people work on projects that focus on making a big impact, they are forced to think about the system rather than just satisfying one group of customers.
At this level, entrepreneurs and innovators grow exponentially; they are forced to start to focus on solving universal problems and change the way the system works. Therefore, these future Goliaths are starting to do the right thing, even when no one is looking. They demand it from themselves and the people they work with.
Embracing the VUCA World
With exponential growth or decline, companies grow or die faster than ever before. Suddenly, as everything moves quickly, the future has become volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. The only way ahead then, is to disrupt oneself to survive, or be disrupted. With Exponential Theory, the book, the online course, and the XMBA, I am preparing leaders to become disruptors, visionaries, innovators, leaders, and entrepreneurs. To lead into an unknown future with certainty because they are prepared to make quick agile decisions, start to see how capital moves, customers buy, and companies grow. Further, I explain how to survive in the new VUCA world — with vision, understanding, clarity, and agility. A new model for the leader of the future.
Thinking Exponentially

The exponential curve is why we live in a VUCA world. Everything is changing so rapidly, that we must shift entirely how we are thinking. It is not enough to shoot for 10% returns, but instead must be 10x returns. For example, to create an exponential growing company- I plan on enrolling 1,000,000 future leaders into our courses and programs. This ensures that I can impact 1,000,000,000 people through these companies and change the world in a positive way.
Finding a Massive Transformative Purpose
An epiphany of my 15 year research project, (facilitating and consulting with 500 companies, across 90 countries and all 50 states) was that I need an uncomfortable goal to make a big impact. Thinking big and exponential growth will require a Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP). Larry Page, founder and former CEO of Google asked one question, “Are you working on something that impacts one billion people or not?” I am ready for him to ask me that question, because I am starting with you.
Digitizing the Model
As I outline in the book, the major catalyst of exponential growth is digitization. With digitization comes the ability to grow exponentially. Better yet, Digitization is the first (of six) stages of disruption that occur today (explained in the book and course).
We have digitized the Exponential Theory online course. This means that with a digital product, I am able to reach more leaders, faster, than I could with the traditional education model of coaching or facilitating. Since I am building digital first, I am building to become exponential.

Becoming a Tech Company
With a digital model, I am building a tech company, regardless of what product or service I will sell. While I could be many things like a book company, an education company, a leadership consortium, a consulting practice, and so on, We are intentionally a tech company that happens to sell books, education, leadership training and consulting. This subtle shift to a broader business goal is what is required to have the bandwidth to support the accelerated change and expected growth with our exponential model.
Launching Disruption
The time is now. There is no time but the present to learn exponential theory. It creates the needed change to survive and hopefully thrive with a new more compassionate and creative leader that leans into the current challenges. Plus, we are in the midst of a major technological shift (the fourth industrial revolution). The emerging technologies are disrupting every industry and as these technologies stack upon each other, they become more exponential, more powerful, until they eventually will culminate in the Singularity. The pace of disruption we will see thanks to these technologies; the change will be mind-numbing as many of these technologies have already begun to be commercialized.

Leveraging the Viral Loop
Now, if you’ve been following along with the plan, this is the part where I am shifting my social media to accelerate the adoption of exponential theory, practice exponential theory, and with any persistence master exponential theory. With the digital exponential product ready to be scaled, plus a massive transformative purpose of educating a million people to impact a billion people, I’m ready to launch. Here is one of the early principles of exponential thinking in the new definition of the Rhodium Rule (see below).

I’m starting here, by building my social media up with my team at Exponential Theory to leverage the viral loop. The viral loop — and the social media platforms that enable it — will provide us with the greatest mouthpiece to share the important message I have with the Exponential Theory book, the Rhodium Rule, and the Power of Thinking Big.
Playing the Long Game
“Most companies overestimate what they can do in a year, and underestimate what they can do in 10 years.”
- Bill Gates
In exponential theory I highlight the companies that are successful have a greater understanding of the amount of time it takes to build something significant. They invent, and they are patient. Jeff Bezos has a ten thousand year clock in his office. They are willing to ride out the deception stage of disruption — where others can’t see the value — until the value has actualized.
This is what I am willing to work on forever. It is my new purpose, my legacy. This is my long game.
“My commitment — my legacy — is to build a million exponential leaders.”
Executing the MVP
The MVP, minimum viable product, is what all exponential businesses need to actually get going. Elon Musk and Tesla had the Tesla Roadster, not just an electric car, a sports car that could actually beat the most high performing sports cars in the world.
With Exponential Theory, I have already rolled out our MVP. The Exponential Theory book and now the online course, built off the book. While the book stands on its own, the 15-years of research allowed me to create an online course to take that understanding to a new level. My goal is that it will help make individuals and companies succeed exponentially, leveraging the evidence-based methods laid out in the book. We take the theory into practice and my hope is to build many masters of exponential theory along the way. I see this as a way to help the next generation of entrepreneurs and innovators think bigger and create a bigger impact on our world. My current clients have shared that this course is the last course you’ll need to invest in for your team as it frames leaders that they are enough and already complete. It opens up the tools to solve nearly every problem, creating complex adaptive problem solvers. The future is bright for the leaders and companies that embrace exponential theory.
Accelerating Innovation
The whole purpose of the Exponential Theory book, course, and XMBA is to accelerate innovation, create a growth mindset, and help leaders and their teams to think bigger. The Exponential Theory online course is based on the best stories, habits, mental models, philosophies, strategies, and needed skills for the next 10 years to traverse the ever-complexing landscape of technology-driven innovation.
The XMBA isn’t really an MBA at all, as it leads participants through the theories, practice, and mastery of an “eXponential Mindset, Beliefs, and Attitudes” with evidence-based case studies, practice, strategies, coaching, and projects.
Below is the curriculum outline, which shows how XMBA participants move from theory, to practice, to mastery.

It starts with Exponential Theory course and then Leadership Theory seeks to expand the thinking learned in Exponential Theory by thinking big, creating a shared vision, and helping the rest of your team be part of the growing the vision by adopting exponential theory. The process is self-fulfilling for the future exponential leaders, their teams, and their companies.
Through the six proficiency columns, participants gain the necessary practice in design thinking, business model strategy, project execution, growth hacking, venture development, and creating value through negotiations. Then, I dive into the 10 skills needed for the 4th Industrial Revolution and help create the tool belt to solve nearly every problem known to mankind. This course will be the last master course you’ll need to take.

Lastly, as participants evolve into exponential theory mastery they become coaches of their peers and execute our capstone project — generating real life 10x returns. I hope to find a few entrepreneurs and innovators to put them on an exponential trajectory. With the cost decreasing and it is easier to launch startups, the opportunity is to think big about the potential to accelerate innovation today.

After completing the XMBA, I will offer qualified leaders, teams, and companies to participate with like minded exponential leaders in a one of a kind Xccelerator. So it all starts here now, with the Exponential Theory course.
The Great Reset
As I share this vision, I know that the next generation of great exponential leaders are out there and if they want 15-years of knowledge in less than 1 year, I have created a course for them that will articulate the culmination of all exponential theory and leadership theory into one learning experience.
Currently, I interact daily with clients at Global 100 Companies working as the Director of Innovation with Oxford Leadership globally. My impact takes many forms as I also consult, facilitate, coach, workshop, and deliver innovation sprints with C-Level Corporate Leaders, Boards, Innovators, Entrepreneurs, Influencers, and Movement Makers.
Other clients I help see the bigger picture include Congresspeople, Governors, Mayors, Police Chiefs, and Sheriffs through my work at my Foundation. It has become clear my purpose is to help all of my clients (and you) to think bigger, as our mindset, beliefs, and attitudes are our most limiting inhibitors to your own success — whether personal, professional or organizational. This course will expand your world view and your vision for your future. If you are an executive in a company, this will be the best investment for your team. The entire company will elevate thinking and increase an understanding of how they can make a bigger impact on the company, community, and their world.
Beyond the course work, I will be hand selecting 6 clients annually to help them specifically develop their future leaders. My first client is Air FloeMask, an X-Prize winning surgical mask, which my team is currently assisting to craft the exponential vision to impact doctors and dentists globally with their innovative 360 degree airflow mask, the X95 Mask. This mask began disrupting the mask space 2-years before COVID and now has found itself in a revolution for doctors and dentists desiring a better solution.
The first step to becoming a client and joining the exponential movement costs a mere $249, yet for a limited time we are enrolling our first cohort at $49.
For $49, you can become an early adopter in the movement that will change the world, plus get an author’s copy of the book before it’s released, and a guaranteed seat in the first Exponential Theory online course cohort. If you have read all the way here, you are a good candidate to create an exponential future.
We will examine new emerging technologies, business models, and strategies to leverage in a new disrupted world that is being democratized to enable the masses the best opportunity in the history of the world to live their dreams!
We will explore philosophy, great thinkers, mental models, cognitive biases, influences, behavioral economics, and accelerated change leading to the massive transformations happening in every area of our lives.
I hope you join me on the journey and engage in the conversation. If you want to increase the size of your world and make a bigger impact, tune in.
If not, there is plenty of other social media to keep your mind occupied while I create a movement of big thinkers.
Thanks for allowing me to reintroduce myself, and for hearing my plan.
Please join us for just $49 for our pre-sale book and course, visit my website to learn more.
I hope to see you on the other side,